Ability Advocates
The IEP is the blueprint to a
child's future. It is key to
unlocking the possibilities of
children in special
education. Getting it right is
never easy. Ability
Advocates believes that
good, honest communication
is the foundation of any solid
and useful IEP. Developing
the atmosphere where the
TEAM can do their best
thinking is imperative to a
positive outcome.
Advocating dignity and
respect is where we start.
Unless you have
unlimited money, your
biggest resource may
be your ability to
communicate well and to
lead when you are not in

The No Parent Left Behind Tour 2008
The No Parent Left Behind Tour 2008 was a success
beyond measure. First let me thank all my friends
old and new that welcomed me into their homes. The
No Parent Left Behind Tour 2008 was about
demonstrating to myself, parents and others what is
possible. The key to the journey was all about
relationships. I drove coast to coast 9,953 miles in as
I planned 40 days! America the beautiful! I didn't think
it would take this long to get to this place. This place I
talk about is having a plan to go forward. Bill Cosby
asked why is there air. I asked why was this journey
so important for me to make. And the answer is: to
know I can go again, and again ... Next time a
minivan full of boys! More on that later.
A special thanks to
Bev and Don in
Lincolnville, Maine.
This was no April fools
joke. My first stop.
April 1-2 ,2008.
Click on picture to see
a few more. About this
picture, I tried taking this picture myself. It didn't work.
A good man got out of his truck and offered to take it.
He did. From there I knew it was on!
An America I can believe in. Some local people that
believed in me: Fran, Hope Center of Delaware,
Delaware Family Voices, Delaware Birth to Three
Program, Delaware New Scripts, Bargain Tire &
Service, and Sports Car Service. Thank you.
Click picture to see more.
9,953 miles
$3.79 per gal
28.6 mpg
25 lodgings
35 states
12 new state
2 provinces
40 days
Yellowstone NP